I hope some of you have had a chance to read the Connections newsletters published by AIIP. The latest edition is available at the AIIP website: http://aiip.org/Content/Documents/Document.ashx?DocId=111252 and includes the following:
Feature articles:
How to Write a Winning Proposal (Linda Rink)
Elance: Friend or foe? (Jan Davis)
Regular columns:
Member Spotlight: Carol Compton, IndieClear
Spotlight on AIIP Committee Volunteers: AIIP Conference Exhibition Committee
WordWise: The Write Stuff: There’s a App for That! (Andrea Carrero)
Coach’s Corner: The Research Plan: Your Guide to Easier Pricing (Amelia Kassel)
Product Review: E-Newsletters: Review of Email Marketing Software (Africa Hands)
Book Reviews:
Your Best Year Yet!: Ten Questions for Making the Next Twelve Months Your Most Successful Ever. (Reviewed by Debbie Olson)
Conference update:
AIIP Conference 2010: sneak preview and evenings out
You will find the articles very well written and relevant not only to those who work as independent info pros.
Jan Sykes